Welcome to my site!
It's lovely to have you here. Take a look at my pixel collection or link list. Or maybe you'd like to take a look at my study? Perhaps my digital garden? Or my actual garden?? I also have a funky lil JS fiddlebox!
- Name
- Snufkin

- Likes
- sunny days, rainy days, ginseng tea, chicory coffee, humans, non-humans, books for falling into, music
that moves, peace & quiet
- Link Me!

- Currently...
cool folks
close friends uwu
- 2024.09.22
- Finally updated the Bookshelf again. Lost the drive with my blog files so may have to make a new blog lol
- 2024.01.15
- Made a trio of simple solo TTRPG tools for use with Wretched & Alone, "Alone with" games, etc.
- 2024.01.08
- Updated Bookshelf with stuff from the past 18 months... It's been rough, gang T_T
- 2023.03.21
- Scanned some pages from an old magazine
- 2023.03.18
- New postabout JLPT study
- 2023.02.26
- Back from the dead
- 2022.06.06
- Post that I wrote two weeks ago and forgot to post alflaskfjal
- 2022.03.26
- Rambling bout makeup because I don't wanna paint my face in this heat!!
- 2022.03.07
- Slapped a few recipes together go eat chillun!!
- 2022.01.23
- New Year's post
- 2021.12.18
- New post where I ramble about nAtIvE sPeAkErS and crocheting fidget toys
- 2021.12.05
- New blog post! It's a recipe this time :3 Fixed guestbook code to allow replies.
- 2021.10.30
- New blog post! Updated a couple small things on the home page.
- 2021.10.26
- New blog post; I moved to Japan!
- 2021.10.06
- Made a Japan blog; original dreams page is still available!
- 2021.07.20
- Updated Bookshelf
- 2021.07.14
- Overhauled the css on my zonelet in hopes that it will inspire me to write lmao
- 2021.07.06
- I used htp to remake this front part! It'll be so much easier to manage now, whee~
Updated my Japan page because I know where I'm going now!!!
- 2021.06.21
- Made a new button uwu and updated dA shrine, garden log, and did a little backend cleanup.
- 2021.06.17
- oooh look who's got a fancy new domain name OoOOoOOhhHHhh
- 2021.06.01
- Added a deviantART shrine lmaooooo
- 2021.05.31
- Added a playlists page!
- 2021.05.29
Added reflection on She Would Be King to bookshelf
- 2021.05.25
- Added a microblog page and a couple buttons
- 2021.05.16
Added The Way Through the Woods to bookshelf
Updated the garden
- 2021.05.13
- Revamped bookshelf~
- 2021.05.12
- Updated garden page! Paging through the books I've read this year so far to update my bookshelf!
- 2021.05.04
- Added May 2 timelapse GIF and updated the garden log for today. Want to restart work on my space page....
- 2021.05.02
- Added May 1 and 2 entries to the garden log ♡( ◡‿◡ )
- 2021.04.30
- Garden page is live!
- 2021.04.29
- Finally doing spring cleaning! Dusting in the corners, sweeping up stray links, and ushering in new
growth. Working on a page to showcase my garden!
- 2021.01.26
- Added an email link in case anyone would like to reach out :)
- 2021.01.23
- Reorganized the backend and working on updating library page. Garden is now linked in The Study.
- 2021.01.15
- Updated the Study directory to be a little nicer looking? Also added a travel page for Japan! And um...
I'll update the Library later. Also have a short piece I'm writing but idk if it'll be nice enough to put on
my Zonelet hehe...
- 2021.01.02
- Spent a while making a new top page for The Study; subpages to be added today or later! Peep it!
- 2020.12.28
- Happy holidays~ Added a few buttons, updated the "new" blinkie, and as a treat for those who actually read
these updates, go check out this little side project of mine!
Love you all and happy new year if I don't update before then <3< /dd>
- 2020.12.22
- Remade my journal section with Zonelets! Maybe now I'll stretch my writing muscles a bit more.
- 2020.12.20
- Made a Pokémon shrine! It's not mobile friendly and is pretty simple, but I'm pretty happy with it :)
- 2020.12.11
- I'm a supporter now! This WebDAV thing kinda slaps — nice not having to upload via the cli every time I
edit stuff. Been busy with life and learning, but hopefully I can share some of that with you all sometime
soon. <3
DOUBLE UPDATE I just uploaded my
digital garden
check it out through the link in the sidebar!!
- 2020.12.07
- Updated color scheme jes a lil bit (thank u happy hues)>
- 2020.12.04
- Animal Crossing Wild World shrine v0.1 is up! I realized ACWW was actually released exactly 15 years ago
tomorrow (12/5/2005), so to honor that I present you all this shrine. There's still stuff I want to do with
it, like adding functionality for the top row, a clock, and some of my favorite villagers. But for now, it's
just a little homage to the inventory screen. And the placeholder is still there, if you poke around!
- 2020.12.03
- Added a placeholder for my Animal Crossing shrine, which is going pretty gooooooood ngl....
- 2020.12.01
- Added reading/watching/listening etc to my about section. Fixed header disappearing on mobile. Kinda want
to add a reading list or something to go with my "Studying" status... Hmmmmmmmm.....
- 2020.11.30
- Added a ton of pixels and created a separate guestbook page. There's still so much I want to do! Adding
reading/watching/listening to the sidebar tomorrow, maybe? I think I also want to add a section for
cooking... The notebook I use for brainstorming is so messy now!
- 2020.11.28
- Overhauled site layout (and lost the css for v2. shucks!)
- 2020.11.19
- Uploaded Magical Starsign shrine <3< /dd>
- 2020.11.06
- Sitemap switcheroo
- 2020.10.11
- Site launch!