from "And Then the Weather Arrives" by Eileen Myles

Added: 2021-01-03 | Updated: 2021-01-03
Categories đź“š: Poetry
Type đź“Ť: Poem

Note đź“ť

I don’t know no one

anymore who’s

up all night.

Wouldn’t it be fun

to hear someone

really tired

come walking

up your stairs

and knock on your door.

Come here

And share the rain

With me. You.

Isn’t it wonderful to hear

the universe

shudder. How old it all,


must be.

How slow it goes, steaming

coffee, marvelous morning,

the tiniest hairs

on the trees’ arms

coming visible.

I like it better,

no one knows

sweetness, moving your

lips in silence.

Closing your eyes all night.

Digital Garden generator by Blue Dot